Friday, 2 March 2018

Week 4 Photographic Assignment

The plan this week was to capture  4 images.

  • The rule of thirds, with the subject on the intersection of the rule-of-thirds lines negative space in the other three quadrants. 
  • Perspective lines going into the distance. 
  • Repeated shapes. 
  • A canted frame.
All images have been only processed in ACR

The rule of thirds, with the subject on the intersection of the rule-of-thirds lines negative space in the other three quadrants. 

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
f/2.8, 1/160sec, 200mm, ISO-160

I chose this one as I thought this best met the criteria. Using a strong 200mm f/2.8 telephoto I knew it would compress the perspective and give me the best chance to produce Bokeh or at least blur out the background. I was concerned about the image taking up too much of the quadrant, however after working a few images think I have come close to what is required. It required me to get low, lying on the grass to get the angle correct. Quite relaxing once your there and sometimes I am happy to relax and just breath in the energy being so near the earth and plants.

Perspective lines going into the distance. 

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
f/11, 1/100sec, 16mm, ISO-400

When I started this project I ended up with three final images to choose from. I seemed to struggle to compose an image with perspective lines going into the distance because I could see them everywhere. However, I could not seem to compose something that was pleasing. The amazing part of the journey creating an image, especially when you are looking for a particular image is, images can pop up surprisingly without any planning. This particular one was just that! I was looking across and down in my visions. What attracted me to this image was the light, then this developed in composing. But all through this process, I was not focused on creating perspective lines. When I reviewed my work it struck me that this was the strongest image to select.

Repeated Patterns 

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
f/20, 1/160sec, 24mm, ISO-640

There are so many repeated patterns around us it is overwhelming to try to compose an image that works. Kep elements I used for this image were; creating a sunburst, positions of the vertical lines and linking from where the sun reflects the shadow of the holes across the opposing wall. From symmetrical repeated holes to slanted repeated holes. I also used a tilt/shift lens that enabled me to change my angles. Key also to this image is using a small f-stop and angle to create the starburst.

Canted (Dutch Tilt/Angle) Frame. 

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
f/13, 2sec, 17mm, ISO-100

This image took me a while to compose in my head and find the right place to create it. Often with my trials, I remembered you still need the four key aspects of any image; Clearly defined subject & background, a point of view, sense of balance and level of simplicity. Creating this image also required to wait for the right person to cross my frame, and as I had the timer set to two seconds, mirror lock, I had to time the image to get the subject in the right place. I like this image because also it depicts a female walking through the alley which provides a level of vulnerability. (Nicley it was well lit and relatively safe, I am pleased to say). This image worked better to convert to monochrome grey tones to simplify and allow the ey to use the leading lines to be taken to the subject and then cast past this to take in where the subject has come from.

Andy Thompson

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