Sunday, 27 May 2018

Final Assignment for DPP103

The last assignment for this SIT paper (DPP103). This one I have enjoyed the most as it was just me taking images. However, time pressures have meant I had to take images that were not my best at times. - There has been good learning.

01 – 1 Landscape – Dunedin Southern Coast

Decisions to achieve the desired result: I took 11 varied shots to find the right composition. As the tide was moving, fast and I had to avoid immersion. To get this image I was up before the sun to get to the location. I had seen this area before – prior research. I used the foreground rocks and their lines to lead the viewer towards the horizon and the big rock. It works in portrait orientation. To create the movement I used an ND 16 filter, Tripod, mirror lock and 2 sec timer. The trick was setting the camera off to time with where I required the water. I also waited for the low autumn light to shine across the rocks to give it a warmer and refined feel to the structure of the rocks. Choice of lens was 16-35mm. 16mm enabled the image to capture a wider field of view and balance the foreground rocks with the big rock.

Processing: RAW – Extension of shadows/Highlights. Lens and Chromatic adjustment made. Convert to Smart Object then Use of curves to build contrast, adjustment of hue/saturation to give slight emphasis of warmer colour, slightly straighten of the horizon, sharpening on the final image.

Image Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f/22, 2sec, 16mm, ISO-100

02 – 2 Landscape – Nichols Falls

Decisions to achieve the desired result: 20-minute walk and we were at the local falls. To create the water movement I used an ND 16 filter, Tripod, mirror lock and 2 sec timer. Portrait worked to lead the viewer’s eye from the foreground water to the waterfall. The debris was a worry, as this could be distracting. However, I do not think it is now. It provides a nice break from waterfall to the foreground water. Choice of lens 16-35mm gave me options to capture a wide field of view. Adjustment to 26mm was about right. f/11 is a sweet spot for the 16-35mm, and this worked fine for depth of field.

Processing: RAW – Extension of shadows/Highlights. Lens and Chromatic adjustment made. Convert to Smart Object then Use of curves to build contrast, adjustment of hue/saturation to bring out greens, sharpening on the final image.

Image Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f/11, 13sec, 26mm, ISO-100

03 – 1 Portrait – Mother/Daughter 1

Decisions to achieve the desired result: Capturing these people in a relaxed and natural look took quite a few images to work towards the right shot – to be expected. I adjusted my angle of view to ensure I was at their level. I used one separate fill-in flash at 1/64 from the floor and one studio light with a diffuser umbrella to spread even light from the left side looking down toward the subjects. Natural light in the room highlighted the mother’s hair from behind nicely. The focus was on the mother eyes. Given the low shutter speed (1/160sec) concentration on hold the camera steady and capturing the moment without movement was crucial. Choice of the lens – 85mm is a choice lens for portraits lending itself to potential flattering result. This lens does not focus that fast so allowing for this is important.
Processing: Processing: RAW – Extension of shadows/Highlights. Lens and Chromatic adjustment made. Convert to Smart Object then Use of curves to build contrast, adjustment of hue/saturation to bring colours slightly, white balance adjusted for correct skin tones, sharpening of eyes, gentle sharpening on final image so as not to make the skin harsh.
 Image Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f/1.2, 160sec, 85mm, ISO-100, Studio flash lights with an umbrella to diffuse light, Speedlight (1/128) on foot to eliminate shadows in the face.

04 – 2 Portrait Mother/Daughter 2

Decisions to achieve the desired result: I remember – a photo session is never finished until they have completely gone! – I did more images in the garage. As getting ready to pack and leave, I took this image just before they left. The background is non-distracting, and I caught the moment looking back at the right time. Settings were a faster shutter speed (1/250sec) as I knew it was going to be quick – to reduce movement. Shutter priority set. No flash. Therefore, the ISO was set high to allow enough light to get through the lens.

Processing: Processing: RAW – Extension of shadows/Highlights. Lens and Chromatic adjustment made. Convert to Smart Object then Use of curves to build contrast, adjustment of hue/saturation to bring colours slightly, white balance adjusted for correct skin tones, sharpening of eyes, gentle sharpening on the final image so as not to make the skin harsh.

Image Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f/2, 1/250sec, 85mm, ISO-800

05 – 1 Architecture - Te Pā Tauira

Decisions to achieve the desired result:  I chose a Dutch angle to accentuate the windows and colours. Also, the reflection of the trees in the right-hand window gave some interest. This window helps to connect with the other window areas on the building. The downpipe gives a natural divide from the window louvres and the window on the left. Use of 200mm enabled me to concentrate on a feature of the building and low my angle of view. Shutter speed allowed me to hand hold the shot.

Processing: RAW – Extension of shadows/Highlights. Lens and Chromatic adjustment made. Convert to Smart Object then Use of curves to build contrast, adjustment of hue/saturation to bring out oranges, sharpening on the final image.

Image Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, f/11, 1/80sec, 200mm, ISO-800

06 – 2 Architecture – Forsyth Bar Stadium

Decisions to achieve the desired result: The late afternoon sun was gleaming onto the west side of the building, so I framed the windows. The colours drew me to this image. I used the natural angle with a long lens (200mm) to emphasise the windows. Although I shot at an angle, the straight lines of the windows offset the image.

Processing: RAW – Extension of shadows/Highlights. Lens and Chromatic adjustment made. Convert to Smart Object then Use of curves to build contrast, adjustment of hue/saturation to bring out blues, slight vignette added to give the middle windows more focus, sharpening on the final image.

Image Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f/5.6, 1/250sec, 200mm, ISO-100

07 – 1 Street Photo – Street Singer

Decisions to achieve the desired result: I spent some time to get close to the performers and chatted to get to know them. They felt comfortable me shooting, so I clicked. Using High Continuous shooting to capture the action, freeze movement and have the background out of focus. I used a low angle to look up and emphasise the performer. The use of a Dutch angle gives a quirky angle. Also, there are other people in the background to help tell more story that the location is at a market.

Processing: Processing: RAW – Extension of shadows/Highlights. Lens and Chromatic adjustment made. Convert to Smart Object then Use of curves to build contrast, adjustment of hue/saturation to bring colours on the clothing; I used ACR to dull the surrounding colours, so the subject is emphasised white balance adjusted for correct skin tones, sharpening on the final image. (no flash used).

Image Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, f/4, 1/400sec, 35mm, ISO-160

08 – 2 Street Photo – Guitar Man

Decisions to achieve the desired result: Same approach as 07 images. Using High Continuous shooting to capture the action, freeze movement and have the background out of focus. I used a low angle to look up and emphasise the performer. The use of a Dutch angle gives a quirky angle. The image was shot into the sun with no flash, the position was tricky to have the sun just poking over the fingerboard/neck of the guitar. The fast shutter speed could have been slowed down in hindsight to get movement in the strumming hand. Moreover, maybe a wider frame to capture the market more.

Processing: Processing: RAW – Extension of shadows/Highlights. Lens and Chromatic adjustment made. Convert to Smart Object then convert to greyscale, Use of curves to build contrast, sharpening on the final image. (no flash used).

Image Settings: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, f/8, 1/1000sec, 35mm, ISO-160

Friday, 25 May 2018

Photohop Assignment - Theme Concept – The relationships between outdoor people and construction interventions.

Thank goodness to finish this. Here are the images I have put together - (In a bit of a rush) and the blurb to go with it. - Much much more to learn!

Theme Concept – The relationships between outdoor people and construction interventions.

The theme highlights the relationship between people adventuring in the outdoors and the encroaching and dependency of human-made structures that either feed, create or are now a major part of the outdoor environment.

01 Urban Tramping: This image depicts the concept of what we term as wilderness, the transition between urban lives and how this is blended and blurred. The outdoors can be everywhere, even in an urban environment. I wanted the tampers heading somewhere with blue sky above, yet surrounded with people made structures that enclosed them and forced them in one particular direction. 3 Images used (one twice), masking. Some clean-up of the background town image.

02 Climate Climb: Snow feeds the rivers and oceans and humans build ski resorts that affect the water systems. Yet we still enjoy climbing there and often use ski fields for access.

03 Washing our nylon and plastic clothes creeps forever into our food system.

04 Tunnel Kayaker: What flows toward the oceans? We are caught in our own outdoor worlds not thinking about the effects on the river and ocean ways.

05 Hydro Kayaker: Rivers we paddle are often controlled by hydro that create electricity we use. What’s the best of two evils?

 06 Urban Kayaking: This how kayaking may be viewed through the eyes of some. Three images to show this girl may see things with a background of a human-made water mass. Tech: Select and masking, Resizing, warping.

07 Beach Trash: Walking towards the ocean. Combined with fashion. The fashion industry is heavily criticised for its waste products and this is combined with beercan plastic rings that many animals are dying of. Tech: Select and masking, Resizing, warping, shadows.

08 Earthwise? Are we truly Earthwise or is it marketing? All the outdoor activities we do has an effect on the environment. The challenge for every human on earth is to ask themselves how to contribute to making this world a place that is regenerative? So we are not caught up in our own selves and true realisation is that we are intricately connected to everything we do on our small planet.

Technical Approach: Using magazines to give me inspiration, Source images from Internet except these were low resolution and small, Source images from two magazines I subscribe to – Digital Camera and Practical Photography, Photoshop select and masking, resizing, warping, shadows, Blur, Hue/colour increase.

Images are copyright to Andy Thompson

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Tararua Range: A pack full of camera gear - no room for food or clothes!

Excited about a holiday two-week winter traverse in July, we had to get out with heavy packs, dogs and trottle up to the Organ pipes this morning. We need to this way more as we both realise we have 'ok' fitness but not enough for the trip. A big question for me is what camera gear to take. Lugging big DSLR does not seem feasible for this trip.

Plus my foot is still giving me grief so I am a bit concerned about this. 12 days of hard travelling in demanding terrain - I need to get it performing better. However, we have the time to prep and we will!

Patch did rather well, considering he is 16 yrs old and has stage 4 heart and kidney failure. Just a dry cough presently.  This is probably the big factor that will stop us in our tracks going - all depending on his health.

I am swayed toward the GX85 and range of lenses I have as artillery. It's a great travel camera and I have shot all travel image overseas with this. I have 5 lenses with the heaviest being the 100-400mm. However, I am lucky to have a 100-300mm light lens so that will be probably a pick to take. This camera also makes a great street photography camera. Especially with a micro four-thirds process that allows me extra reach in the lens. What you trade off for low light capability you gain by size, weight and versatility. It's just a matter of knowing the tool well and its limitations.

Although we only went to the Organ pipes cause we have other stuff on it has been a wonderful morning to whip up. The Organ Pipes are a unique geological feature for Otago. Otago peninsula was formed entirely by volcanic activity and the tall polygonal columns featured on this walk are remnants of this past. As molten lava cooled slowly beneath the hardened crust, it contracted and formed geometrical cracks which propagated downwards as the mass cooled. Basalt columns form in solidifying lava flows or intrusive dykes or sills. They develop at right angles to the cooling surfaces at the margins of the lava flow or magma. The solidifying rock shrinks and pulls apart forming an irregular network of cracks (“contraction joints”). Once each layer of new rock cools to about 750 degrees C, it can’t hold together against the shrinkage stresses. The entire layer suddenly splits apart so that the crack tips advance through to the hot lava below. Each stepwise lengthening of the cracks leaves a small ridge of stone (a “stria”) across the face of the column, showing where the crack tip stopped. The distance apart and alignment of these striae indicate the speed and direction of cooling.

Reference Source:

The dogs don't really find the downward trip on these stairs easy. So both Jo and I ferry the male dogs down - Although they are not impressed they are pretty ecstatic at the bottom. Molly, on the other hand, seems to have no problems negotiating the stairs. Its a shame they won't join us on this trip.

Hungry for breakfast we near the end of a short but great start to our training for the journey. Jeepers I am going to have to get used to lack of food and still moving forward for this trip. Better amp it up the next month eh! The cold will be a big issue for Jo - she gets cold very easily. Better get her warm game on, and better garments?

Ha - my pack is full of camera gear in this image. And no GX85! So next trip I will take that as well. It's quite obsessive and eccentric to be carrying all camera gear and not much else. The weight of my pack is 21.5kg. I might have to discard this lot for the trip. But none the less I am prepared with the kit to take photos on the training runs if required. Just takes a bit to get it out. If you have any suggestions for camera gear for this trip please let me know in the comments section. Would love to hear your ideas.

Tararua Range: North - South Winter Traverse - Preparation

Flights are booked, Maps have arrived today and we are now in the exciting planning phase. Suddenly it feels real!  We estimate 10 days all going well - 12 days if we get a bit stuck! It's exciting to go back as I spent most of my youth in here so I know the terrain well. However, that is a danger trap as I am sure much has changed.

Its fun looking back through the photos and I am amazed at the logbook I kept with precise times and detail - quite useful.

Time to get serious about training and logistics. What a holiday: heavy packs, 12 days of food, short daylight hours, extremely cold and unknown winter conditions. :)

Preparation in front of a fire seems to easy!